Was to publish this half on Friday but held off a couple of days, people are usually out on Friday and Saturday nights, so I decided to publish this today on a rainy Sunday instead. Most of the bands I wanted to talk about were mentioned in the first half of the editorial. Let's ge to it, The SiriusXM Indie Awards were the only awards I could actually squeeze into my schedule, the new website was a large task to complete plus everything else going on in my busy life. As this editorial completes itself, we are still trying to recover my photographs from the last few days of CMW but have not had as much luck as the first half. When you always have this mindset that you're Wonder Woman, it's never a good thing because when you get that harsh reality check you feel so restricted. That was the case with this year's coverage, there were so many bands I wanted to check out but unfortunately I cannot fly...Yet!
Once we reached the media room it was pretty empty, there was no stage for awards recepients like they had in past years, this year it was just a wall with the backdrop for photos. Most of the people in the room I did not recognize but thee were a few familiar faces I ran into through out the event. First band to hit the stage was Miracle, this band I've never heard of in my life nor have I heard they're music so their set was all new for me. To tell you the truth, if it was the band I think it was, they were pretty boring for my tastes. The event moved pretty quick almost seamless, although compared to previous years it was not the same. Not as many people were at the amwards the venue was different so was the vibe, overall it was enjoyable. It would have been much more entertaining iI was partying it up instead of working but that is the direction I chose for this festival as a multi-media specialist instead of a performer. Enjoy the photos below thanks to Miike G. for the awesome photos!